Coffee Cup Scramble

For breakfast in the morning, when one is short on time, a Coffee Cup Scrambles work well. Using farm-fresh eggs add even more nutrition. According to a comparison in Mother Earth News between pastured-raised chickens and the USDA table of nutritional information of factory eggs. Pasture raised eggs have:

1/3 less cholesterol
1/4 less saturated fat
2/3 more vitamin A
2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
3 times more vitamin E
7 times more beta carotene

A Coffee Cup Scramble is easy to make and delicious, and the basic recipe allows for a lot of interpretation and additions. In fact, the scramble does not even need to be made in a coffee cup at all.


Two eggs
2 tablespoons milk 
1 tablespoon Butter (optional)
Cooking spray
Coffee cup


Thoroughly spray the inside of the container with cooking spray and add two eggs,

 and the two tablespoons of milk,

and spices, such as salt, pepper, turmeric, and basil.

Whisk the contents together. Add a tablespoon of butter (optional).

Put the container in the microwave for 45 seconds.

Whisk the eggs again.

Put the eggs in the microwave for another 45 seconds. You may have to whisk them again, as there may still be some uncooked egg in the bottom of the container. If so, cook for another 45 seconds.

Sprinkle with the cheese of your choice. Bon appétit !

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