Tomato Sauce

Since a friend offered me half a pig which she had nurtured with goats' milk at a price I couldn't refuse, I found myself having to clean out the chest freezer to make room.

Much of what the freezer held were bags of frozen tomatoes: fruit of the 134+ tomato plants grown from seed the year before (it was an accident).

After researching how to handle frozen tomatoes (most sites recommended letting the tomatoes defrost by letting them sit, undisturbed, on the counter), I sought a recipe for a great-tasting tomato sauce, and settled on the recipe from Preserving Summer's Bounty which called for garlic (though not enough), carrots, onions, and more. The added bonus was the carrots and onions that went onto the sauce came from this year's garden.

The end result was a fragrant and delicious sauce for dinner that night.

Putting the defrosted tomatoes though the food mill

The sauce as it's cooking

There's more bags of frozen tomatoes waiting to be turned into sauce or something else delicious...

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